July 9, 2020

Dear , The EIA reported an +56 bcf injection into inventories for the reference week, 2 bcf higher than our call of +54 bcf and 1 bcf lower than the Bloomberg median of +57 bcf. The NEXUS / Texas Eastern MR03 meter may be distorting measurement of NEXUS exports from OH to MI to the tune of 1.0 bcf/d, depending on the attribution and / or methodology used. The dynamic of NEXUS’ leased capacity on TETCO's system is reflected in the reporting by both pipelines, while other pipelines may not reflect.....

NGL MARKET RECAP | July 08, 2020

July 08, 2020

Dear , Please find below the link to this week’s NGL Market Recap, which provides an overview of North American NGL statistics as well as global LPG prices, spreads/arbitrages and ratios. Note: Data and charts of the Mont Belvieu non-LST to FEI, Propane Arbitrage and Butane Arbitrage are not available today, due to an issue with our data provider.

SPECTRUM | July 07, 2020

July 7, 2020

Dear , Please find below the link to this week's detailed inventory forecast, our 4-wk storage outlook, along with natural gas trade and power sector demand estimates and highlights of reference week balances. For the week ending July 2, 2020, LCMC 4-wk NG storage estimate: +54, +47, +27, +24. Total +152 vs +251 LY and +201 5-yr avg. This week by region: E: +16; MW: +20; MTN: +6; PAC: +6; SC: +6 (S:-5, NS: +11). BBG avg of 2 analysts at +59 bcf. Total net exports averaged 5.60 bcf/d, up by 0.3 b.....

CFTC COT | July 06, 2020

Commitments of Traders Report – July 06, 2020

Please find below the links to data and charts detailing the latest CFTC Commitments of Traders Report for the week ended June 30. We provide all Legacy and Disaggregated trader positions for natural gas, WTI, Brent, gasoline, heating oil and gasoil. Non-commercials increased net length in Brent and gasoil , but decreased in natural gas, WTI, gasoline and heating oil during the reference week. Non-commercials net length in natural gas grew by +5.4k to +139.0k in futures and decreased by -5.5k to.....


July 2, 2020

Dear , The EIA reported an +65 bcf injection into inventories for the reference week, 7 bcf lower than our call of +72 bcf and 8 bcf higher than the Bloomberg median of +73 bcf. We have been talking about wellbore (virtual) storage for a few years now, and theory will meet practice this fall and early winter. We previously used a car analogy (AMG E63S Station Wagon) to explain the productive capacity of US gas shale plays – we’ll need to “floor it” as peak winter months approach.


July 2, 2020

Please find below the links to this week's detailed rig reports and a quick recap of the North American oil and gas drilling activity as reported by Baker Hughes. US: Baker Hughes shows 261 active rigs as of July 02, 2020, lower by -2 from the previous week. Oil rigs decreased by -3 to 185 (ht: -6; vt-dir: +3), and gas-directed rigs increased by +1 to 76 (ht: +2; vt-dir: -1). Horizontal oil rigs decreased by -3 in Permian (NM) and by -3 in Permian (TX). Horizontal gas rigs increased by +1 in .....

NGL MARKET RECAP | July 01, 2020

July 01, 2020

Dear , Please find below the link to this week’s NGL Market Recap, which provides an overview of North American NGL statistics as well as global LPG prices, spreads/arbitrages and ratios. Note: Data and charts of the Mont Belvieu non-LST to FEI, Propane Arbitrage and Butane Arbitrage are not available today, due to an issue with our data provider.

SPECTRUM | June 30, 2020

June 30, 2020

Dear , Please find below the link to this week's detailed inventory forecast, our 4-wk storage outlook, along with natural gas trade and power sector demand estimates and highlights of reference week balances. For the week ending June 25, 2020, LCMC 4-wk NG storage estimate: +72, +54, +42, +50. Total +218 vs +286 LY and +234 5-yr avg. This week by region: E: +22; MW: +24; MTN: +7; PAC: +6; SC: +13 (S:-2, NS: +15). BBG avg of 2 analysts at +78 bcf. Total net exports averaged 5.59 bcf/d, unchanged.....


July 2020

Dear , Please find below the link to U.S. Coal Deliveries to Electric Power Plants with data through April 2020. The report contains volume and price data where available. The chart below shows volume-weighted average cost of delivered coal. Prices ($/mmbtu) are on the left axis, volumes (millions short tons) are on the right axis. That is aggregate data for all ranks and all destinations listed in the report.

CFTC COT | June 26, 2020

June 26, 2020

Please find below the links to data and charts detailing the latest CFTC Commitments of Traders Report for the week ended June 23. We provide all Legacy and Disaggregated trader positions for natural gas, WTI, Brent, gasoline, heating oil and gasoil. Non-commercials increased net length in WTI, Brent, gasoline and gasoil , but decreased in natural gas and heating oil during the reference week. Non-commercials net length in natural gas declined by -7.5k to +133.6k in futures and fell by -8.1k to .....