CFTC COT | September 03, 2010

September 03, 2010

Please find attached data and charts detailing the latest CFTC Commitments of Traders Report for the week ending August 31. We focus on net length of non-commercial traders as well as net length of money managers and swap dealers, as indicated in the disaggregated data for WTI , natural gas, gasoline, and heating oil. The bearish streak in the petroleum complex eased somewhat during the week ending August 31 with a fall in heating oil non-commercial net short positions (futures and options .....

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT | September 02, 2010

+54 bcf

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT The EIA reported a +54 bcf net injection for the week ending August 27, in-line with Bloomberg median expectations of +55 bcf. The build was below last year’s +64 bcf and the +62 bcf 5-year average. In our view, this report does little to change the fundamental story that has prevailed during the summer: the pace of injections is on par with historical norms and with last summer’s pace. Although warm weather (73 CDD versus 61 CDD 30 year norm) certainly contri.....

CFTC COT | August 27, 2010

August 27, 2010

Please find attached data and charts detailing the latest CFTC Commitments of Traders Report for the week ending August 24. We focus on net length of non-commercial traders as well as net length of money managers and swap dealers, as indicated in the disaggregated data for WTI , natural gas, gasoline, and heating oil. Investors continued to be bearish about the petroleum complex during the week ending August 24. WTI non-commercial net longs (futures only) declined 29%. Non-commercials red.....

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT | August 26, 2010

+40 bcf

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT The EIA reported a +40 bcf net injection for last week, in-line with the Bloomberg median expectation of +38 bcf. The build was below last year’s +53 bcf and the +59 bcf five-year average due partly to very hot weather. This week’s injection was also essentially in line with the +37 bcf injection from two weeks prior on very similar weather. Total US: +40 bcf (Bloomberg median +38 bcf) East: 48 bcf West: -3 bcf Producing: -5 bcf Statistical summary attached .....

CFTC COT | August 20, 2010

August 20, 2010

Please find attached data and charts detailing the latest CFTC Commitments of Traders Report for the week ending August 17. We focus on net length of non-commercial traders as well as net length of money managers and swap dealers, as indicated in the disaggregated data for WTI , natural gas, gasoline, and heating oil. Investors soured on the petroleum complex considerably during the week ending August 17. WTI non-commercial net longs declined slightly while non-commercials slashed net lon.....

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT | August 19, 2010

+27 bcf

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT The EIA reported a +27 bcf net injection for last week, well below the year-ago +54 bcf build and the +50 bcf five-year average due partly to very hot weather. Once again, this week’s inventory report suggests that the pace of injections has been quite ordinary this summer and that fuel switching in the power sector has likely been absorbing very large volumes of gas. Total US: +27 bcf (Bloomberg median +31 bcf) East: +40 bcf West: +3 bcf Producing: -16 bcf S.....

CFTC COT | August 13, 2010

August 13, 2010

Please find attached data in charts detailing the latest CFTC Commitments of Traders Report for the week ending August 10. We focus on net length of non-commercial traders as well as net length of money managers and swap dealers, as indicated in the disaggregated data for WTI , natural gas, gasoline, and heating oil. The CFTC data indicate mixed news for WTI . Non-commercial net length increased by 5.6k to 191k (futures and options combined), but the disaggregated report indicates that b.....

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT | August 12, 2010

+37 bcf

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT The EIA reported a +37 Bcf storage build for the week ending August 6, slightly above consensus estimates of +36 bcf, but below last year’s +63 bcf injection. If anything, this week’s report reaffirms that natural gas inventories are growing at a pace completely in line with historical norms. Much of the market’s focus these days has been on the strong domestic production numbers, but the demand side appears to be soaking up molecules just as readily as producers pu.....

CFTC COT | August 06, 2010

August 06, 2010

Please find attached stats and charts detailing investor positions in WTI , natural gas, heating oil, and RBOB , as indicated by the latest CFTC Commitments of Traders report. We focus on non-commercial positions as well as the money manager positions in the CFTC’s newer disaggregated report. Risk appetites appear to have returned in energy markets, notwithstanding macroeconomic data that appears mixed at best. Index investors posted their third straight week of strong inflows while non-co.....

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT | August 05, 2010

+29 bcf

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT The EIA reported a +29 bcf storage build for the week ending July 30, just below consensus estimates of +32 bcf and well below year-ago (+67 bcf) and five-year average (+47 bcf) builds for the week due to continued hot weather across the US. Temperatures did moderate slightly during the week, but tropical storm Bonnie’s production shut-ins offset the slight decline in demand. Clearly, the market was primed for a smaller build as prices have sold off $.20 since the s.....