EIA NG STORAGE REPORT | September 03, 2009

+65 bcf

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT Natural gas fundamentals are still bearish. Don’t ask me; ask Gulf Coast pricing points, where cash prices have traded with a 1-handle virtually across the board at points today. The EIA reported a +65 bcf storage build for the week ending August 28, slightly below market consensus (+67 bcf Bloomberg median estimate), but well above the estimates driven by most pipeline scrape models that hovered in the mid-50s. The story remains unchanged, with fundamentals not .....

CFTC COT | August 28, 2009

August 28, 2009

Please find attached a summary of the latest CFTC Commitment of Traders Report for WTI , Natural Gas, RBOB and Heating Oil.

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT | August 27, 2009

+54 bcf

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT The EIA’s reported 54 bcf build for the week ending August 21 should weigh heavily on the front end of the curve. The US natural gas market needs to tighten dramatically to keep surplus gas from exceeding storage capacity, yet fundamentals are cleaning up at a leisurely pace while prices are crashing all around them. Supply and demand may as well be reading My Pet Goat to a roomful of schoolchildren. The likelihood of price-induced involuntary shut-ins continues to .....

CFTC COT | August 20, 2009

Small Steps on the Road to Regulatory Reform

TODAY WAS A BIG DAY FOR REGULATORY REFORM IN THE US AND MORE BROADLY INTERNATIONALLY. Three separate steps were taken that move forward the agenda of the Obama Administration for financial regulatory reform. US regulator CFTC and UK regulator FSA announced a new agreement providing for more granular oversight of trading on both the NYMEX and ICE related to trades of look-alike contracts on the ICE electronic exchange and that enables regulators of each exchange direct access to exchanges in ea… .......

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT | August 20, 2009

+52 bcf

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT The EIA reported that US natural gas inventories grew by 52 bcf in the week ending August 14. The build came in a bit below expectations (Bloomberg median expectation +57 bcf) and the +56 bcf five-year average. Although most of the projections on Bloomberg hovered in the mid- to high-50s, pipeline scrapes suggested a build in the low-50s, so the report was not a complete The report does indicate that fundamentals have continued to tighten over the past four weeks. .....

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT | August 13, 2009

+63 bcf

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT The EIA reported a build of 63 bcf for the week ending Aug 7, slightly below market expectations (Bloomberg median expectation +66 bcf). When viewed only in relation to last week’s +66 bcf build, it would appear that the market tightened considerably because there were actually five fewer HDD w-o-w, yet the injection came in 3 bcf lower. Yet when taken within a broader context, however, this report still does not suggest a significant shift. Last week’s +66 bcf bu.....

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT | August 06, 2009

+66 bcf

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT The EIA reported that US natural gas inventories grew by 66 bcf, a larger build than expectations, which had hovered in the low-60s (Bloomberg median expectation +61 bcf). Although most analysis has been focusing on tightening balances in the US gas market, this week’s report reiterates that balances are unlikely to tighten quickly enough to avoid colliding with regional storage constraints. In this sense, the storage report is quite bearish for the front of the cur.....

CFTC COT | July 31, 2009

July 31, 2009

Please find attached a summary of the latest CFTC Commitment of Traders Report. The net non-commercial long position in WTI grew by 2.4k to 4.6k in futures and by 4.8k to 77.4k in futures and options combined as both long and short positions increased. The net non-commercial short position in natural gas grew by 2.5k to 161k in futures and by 2k to 74.6k in futures and options combined. Meanwhile, the net long position in RBOB futures gained 12.2k to 54.2k and in HO 7.1k to reach 29......


+71 bcf

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT The EIA reported that total US natural gas inventories grew by 71 bcf during the week ending July 24, in line with consensus expectations of a 73 bcf build. The five-year average build for the week is 51 bcf and the year-ago build was 68 bcf, albeit with much hotter weather last year in every region except the Rockies and the West. Total US: +71 bcf (Bloomberg median expectation 73 bcf) East: +56 bcf West: -1 bcf Producing: +16 bcf Statistical summary attache.....

CFTC COT | July 24, 2009

July 24, 2009

Please find attached a summary of today’s CFTC Commitment of Traders Report. The non-commercial net long WTI position is now negligible for futures, dropping to 2.2k from 16.2k last week as short positions increased by 11.6k. The net long position in futures and options, however, is more substantial at 72.6k contracts, down from 82.3k last week. Not too much change in the net short non-commercial position in natural gas, dropping from 165k contracts to 158.4 in futures and from 74k to 72.....