SPECIAL REPORT | October 05, 2009

Fundamentals or Flows? Sorting trhough oil market signals for 2010

Please find attached the latest LCM Week Ahead. Fundamentals or flows? Sorting through oil market signals for 2010

SPECIAL REPORT | October 01, 2009

Fundamentally Ironic: Big natural gas price swings undermining themselves as injection season closes

Please find attached the latest LCM Special Report. Fundamentally ironic Big natural gas price swings undermining themselves as injection season closes

SPECIAL REPORT | September 21, 2009

Autumnal Equinox 092109

Please find attached the latest issue of The Week Ahead: Autumnal Equinox: Are markets half-empty or half-full? Are prices moving in any particular direction? Regards, Daniel Ahn Director of Macroeconomic Research Louis Capital Markets 500 Fifth Avenue, Suite #2010 New York, NY 10110 Direct Line: +1 (212) 651-3198 Main Number: +1 (212) 398-6000 Mobile: +1 (646) 256-9674 AIM : danielpahn

SPECIAL REPORT | September 17, 2009

Immaculate Misconceptions: Though ripe for an early-winter bounce, natural gas weakness should persist into 2010

Please find attached LCM’s preview of the winter and 2010 US natural gas market: Immaculate misconceptions Though ripe for an early-winter bounce, natural gas weakness should persist into 2010

SPECIAL REPORT | September 14, 2009

The Continuing Drag of Dead Oil

Please find attached the latest issue of The Week Ahead. The Continuing Drag of Dead Oil Logistics requirements look likely to tighten Q4 crud oil, commercial balances… a bit

SPECIAL REPORT | September 07, 2009

OPEC Ostrich

OPEC Ostrich Confronting any unknown future is particularly difficult right now THE BEST COURSE OF ACTION – AND THEREFORE THE MOST LIKELY – WHEN OPEC MEETS IN VIENNA THIS WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY –IS TO DO NOTHING. That means rolling over the current production agreement and waiting to see what happens. Even with prices falling from a $70-75 range over the past week to a range within the $60s, the producers are overall happy that prices, which averaged $38.60 for the OPEC basket last December, are… .......

DATA INSIGHT | September 04, 2009

Party like it's 1999

Please find attached the latest issue of LCM Commodities Data Insight. Regards, Daniel Ahn

SPECIAL REPORT | August 31, 2009

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Please find attached the latest LCM Week Ahead: Wake Me Up When September Ends Even with no hurricane, September demand will disappoint…except on misleading y-o-y basis

SPECIAL REPORT | August 28, 2009

Russian Re-ducts: New pipelines, new energy plans, new growth commitments promise rising output, exports

Please find attached our latest Special Report: Russian Re-ducts New pipelines, new energy plans, new growth commitments promise rising output, exports

SPECIAL REPORT | August 27, 2009

U-V Lighting Up

While global oil fundamentals have thus far provided\nlimited evidence to support higher prices, there’s growing\nevidence that distillate demand could pick up sharply with a rebound in economic activity. We have been arguing for most of this year that analysts pointing to a V-shaped recovery in demand for oil products later this year or early next year are mistaken if they posit a return to strong demand growth similar to what took place in the middle part of this decade, when the conventi… .......