+103 bcf

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT The EIA reported a 103 bcf build, thumping the 94 bcf consensus. Total storage now stands at 2.12 tcf, 514 bcf above last year (32%) at this time and proving that this injection season has quickened its pace. Total US: +103 bcf (Bloomberg median expectation +94 bcf) East: +65 West: +13 Producing: +25 The big story was the East, where storage continues to make headway against last year levels. Stocks there are now 13% ahead of last year at this time and near.....


+95 bcf

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT The EIA reported a 95 bcf build for the second consecutive week, slightly lower than consensus expectations in the high 90s. With total storage now at 2.01 tcf, just 15 bcf (0.7%) below the prior five-year maximum and 497 bcf above year-ago levels, the injection season has certainly kicked off with a running start. Total US: +95 bcf (Bloomberg median expectation +98 bcf) East: +59 West: +13 Producing: +23 Regionally, the story remains the same. Inventories i.....


+95 bcf

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT The EIA reported a storage build of 95 bcf for the week ending May 1, just above the Bloomberg median expectation of 92 bcf. The net injection was 27 bcf greater than the year-ago build, which had equaled the five-year average of 68 bcf. Although the build was only slightly bearish relative to expectations, it suggests that fundamentals should continue to put downward pressure on prices, particularly in light of the 19.5% jump in the prompt contract since hitting a .....

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT | April 30, 2009

+82 bcf

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT EIA reported an 82 bcf build in natural gas inventories last week, in line with market consensus vs. 77 bcf last year and the five-year average of 69 bcf. Storage now stands at 1.82 tcf, just 51 bcf below the previous seasonal high. Again, western and producing region storage continued to set records 18-19% above the prior five-year high. Producing region storage (805 bcf) is at a level equal to the five-year average for mid-August. Although inventories are brimmi.....

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT | April 23, 2009

+46 bcf

EIA NG STORAGE REPORT US natural gas inventories grew by 46 bcf for the week ending Apr 17, in line with the market consensus of a 45 bcf build. Total storage now stands at 1.74 tcf and the y-o-y surplus grew to 459 bcf. Although the build was in line with consensus, the report reiterates the general oversupply of the US natural gas market. Total US: +46 (Bloomberg survey median +45) East: +17 West: +6 Producing: +23 At 1.74 tcf, US gas inventories are now just 64 bcf below the prio.....