| April 30, 2009
+82 bcf
EIA NG STORAGE REPORT EIA reported an 82 bcf build in natural gas inventories last week, in line with market consensus vs. 77 bcf last year and the five-year average of 69 bcf. Storage now stands at 1.82 tcf, just 51 bcf below the previous seasonal high. Again, western and producing region storage continued to set records 18-19% above the prior five-year high. Producing region storage (805 bcf) is at a level equal to the five-year average for mid-August. Although inventories are brimmi.....
| April 23, 2009
+46 bcf
EIA NG STORAGE REPORT US natural gas inventories grew by 46 bcf for the week ending Apr 17, in line with the market consensus of a 45 bcf build. Total storage now stands at 1.74 tcf and the y-o-y surplus grew to 459 bcf. Although the build was in line with consensus, the report reiterates the general oversupply of the US natural gas market. Total US: +46 (Bloomberg survey median +45) East: +17 West: +6 Producing: +23 At 1.74 tcf, US gas inventories are now just 64 bcf below the prio.....